
A Model-View-ViewModel library for Android apps


This library helps reduce boilerplate code in android applications:

What is MVVM?

Model-View-ViewModel is an architectural approach used to abstract the state and behavior of a view, which allows us to separate the development of the UI from the business logic. This is accomplished by the introduction of a ViewModel, whose responsibility is to expose the data objects of a model and handle any of the applications logic involved in the display of a view.

This approach (MVVM) is made up of three core components, each with its own distinct and separate role:

Implementation with android-mvvm library

  1. Install android-mvvm library
repositories {
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    compile "io.github.azaiats.androidmvvm:androidmvvm-core:$androidmvvm_version"
    compile "io.github.azaiats.androidmvvm:androidmvvm-navigation:$androidmvvm_version" // optional navigation feature
  1. Enable Data Binding
android {
    dataBinding {
        enabled = true;
  1. Create your ViewModel class by extending BaseViewModel. For example:
public class MyViewModel extends BaseViewModel {
  1. Each Activity, Fragment or DialogFragment that you would like to associate with a ViewModel will need either to extend MvvmActivity/MvvmFragment/MvvmDialogFragment or copy the implementation from these classes to your base activity/fragment/dialogFragment class (in case you can't inherit directly). Override createViewModel() to return the corresponding ViewModel (It can be created by directly or injected via DI). Override getBindingConfig() to return the corresponding BindingConfig (will be described later). For example:
public class MyFragment extends MvvmFragment<FragmentMyBinding, MyViewModel> {

    public MyViewModel createViewModel() {
        return new MyViewModel();

    public BindingConfig getBindingConfig() {
        return new BindingConfig(R.layout.fragment_my, BR.viewModel);

How to use


BindingConfig represents configuration for DataBinging creation. It contains 2 parameters:


ViewModel has its own lifecycle:


After creation you can call getViewModel() or getBinding() if you want interact with your ViewModel or Binding. Also, if you want to add Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback to your ViewModel's observable field, you can call addOnPropertyChangedCallback(Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback callback). This callback will be removed on activity/fragment destroy, so you needn't disturb about memory leaks.


By MVVM pattern, ViewModel hasn't reference to View. So ViewModel can't interact with activity/fragment directly. But we need run navigation commands in our ViewModel (e.g. start new Activity or replace Fragment via FragmentManager). To resolve it, you can use some event bus library (e.g. Otto), RxJava, or androidmvvm-navigation extension. There are navigating versions of MvvmActivity/MvvmFragment/MvvmDialogFragment in this extension.

How to use

  1. Create your interface that extends Navigator. Add navigation methods to it.
  2. Create your ViewModel class by extending NavigatingViewModel.
  3. Extend your Activity/Fragment/DialogFragment from NavigatingMvvmActivity/NavigatingMvvmFragment/NavigatingMvvmDialogFragment to provide Navigator.
  4. Use navigator directly from your ViewModel to call it's methods. Note that navigator can be null if ViewModel is detached from View (e.g. when a screen was rotated). Alternate you can call executeNavigationCommand(NavigationCommand<T> navigationCommand). In this case, a command will be executed immediately if Navigator is attached. Otherwise, it will be saved and executed on Navigator attach.